Casteel Computer Services
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407-330-6512 Central Florida
Common Questions
Below are some frequently asked questions. If you have a question, please contact us or Ask the Tech!
What is Spyware and Adware?
Spyware is a program that collects information about the computer and it's use. Sometimes recording personal information or information that is typed on the infected computer. This information is then sent or accessed by companies/individuals to be used for marketing or to gain access to the system. Adware can have all the similarities to Spyware but also displays pop-ups on the computer. Spyware and Adware both degrade a computers performance and can allow viruses and hackers to destroy a system and it's files. They may also open the system for identity theft.
How can I help protect my system from Spyware and Adware?
Many Anti-Virus programs now remove and safeguard against Spyware and Adware. There are also many other dedicated Anti-Spyware and Adware applications that can be used, like Microsoft's Defender to further safeguard and protect the system.
What are computer viruses?
Viruses are programs or simple programs called scripts that intentionally do malicious damage to files and/or computer configuration and commonly spread through networks and removable disks/media. There are many different types of viruses including trojans, worms, macro, boot sector and file. They each have there own characteristics which place each of them in to one or more of these categories.
How can I help protect my system from viruses?
Every computer needs Anti-Virus software to scan files, emails and web content to greatly reduce the chances of data corruption as a result of being infected. Properly operating and updated Anti-Virus software is needed. Ensure your Anti-Virus software has a current subscription for frequent new virus definition updates. Most Anti-Virus programs will inform you of any needed subscription renewals and will list the date of the last update which is generally every week or two. Good Anti-Virus programs will do all of this on it's own with no or very little input.
How can I help protect my system from hackers?
Firewall's are what help keep hackers (people and there programs), some viruses or exploits from invading and infecting a system through a network connection, like the Internet. Normally one or more firewall's are used to filler data that leaves or enters a system. Hardware firewall's are suggested for multiple Internet connected computers and the software Windows XP firewall for a single Internet connected computer is advised in most cases.
Why does my system get infected when I have Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware?
This can happen for many reasons, the Anti-Virus or Anti-Spyware software being used is outdated or not operating or configured properly. Infection can still happen though much more rarely by extremely new viruses, spyware and adware that may get by even multiple Anti-Virus, anti spyware and adware applications. Spyware and adware may also be installed when installing other applications legally if it is listed in the software agreement during the software's installation. Free or shareware applications have these additional applications installed with the program you really wanted to use. Always read software agreements and especially shareware software agreements.
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